Whether you are a general education or special education teacher, an arts educator, or an arts organization, we have professional development opportunities to fit your needs.
For Special Education Teachers
Michigan Arts Access provides webinars, face-to-face workshops and long-term professional develop that incorporate Universal Design for Learning and arts integration best practices to improve student achievement. Our professional development addresses how to use the arts to achieve academic and social/emotion goals, as well as the development of transition and workplace skills.

For Arts Educators
Michigan Arts Access provides webinars, face-to-face workshops and long-term professional develop for k-12 arts teachers. Sessions include designing instruction using the principles of Universal Design for Learning, as well as creative ideas and hands-on experiences with accommodations for a variety of disabilities in your art form (dance, music, theatre, and the visual arts).
For Arts Organizations
Michigan Arts Access conducts Access Assessments and provides guidance to organizations, and training for staff to ensure all facets of their organization and programs are accessibility for all.

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs.