The three-day 2022 Teacher-Artist Higgins Lake Retreat was a success! Teachers, artists, musicians, storytellers, parents, and our MiAA Artist-in-Residency Affiliates were some of the attendees involved. The week was full of collaboration, discussion, demonstration, review, problem-solving, and relaxation.
Day One
Day one consisted of checking in, relaxing, chatting, networking, and a discussion and creation of a mandala.
S. Kay Young presented the mandala project with the motive to discuss the positive and healing power of the circle, unity of community, and being in a natural environment while using what’s available to us in nature.

Day Two
Day two consisted of sessions led by some of the attendees and MiAA residency leaders. The sessions were about topics of instruction and adaptations for Visual Arts, Music, Theater, and Creative Movement, along with discussions about standards, requirements, and key art strategies for teaching and education in Michigan.
The sessions were full of hands-on activities and examples followed by debriefing and collaboration. The attendees are able to learn new techniques from each other that they may incorporate and modify for their own instructions.

Day Three
Day three was the last day of the MiAA Teacher-Artist Retreat. It consisted of wrapping up final thoughts about standards, requirements, and reporting, integrating key art strategies into the classroom, and circled back to the Mandala concept from day one by S. Kay Young and said goodbyes.
By attending this retreat, attendees gain insight from each others experiences, new opportunities for collaboration through networking, answers to questions they had, and suggestions on troubles they have come across. Teachers can also earn up to 15 SCECHs/CEUs points by attending the full retreat.
Join us next year!