It is my great honor to take on the role of Executive Director of Michigan Arts Access.
I believe the ultimate goal of my job is to make our organization unnecessary because I dream of the day when we no longer need to label people as disabled, but include all citizens in equitable opportunities to live, work and enjoy life in our beautiful state. To many it may seem like this vision has already been achieved, but the reality for many children, youth and adults with disabilities in Michigan is far from inclusive.
Dr. Gielniak ~ in the process of checking out the new web page, I’m in awe of what you’ve achieved, your plans for the future, and your background ~~ Michigan Arts Access is in excellent hands ~~
I was involved with Very Special Arts for several years as a board member ~ then led the annual retreats for several more years ~~ As a long time friend and admirer of Lora, I’m well aware of her amazing contribution to VSA ~ she’s truly the glue that held it together ~~ I want to offer congratulations to you ~ wishing you ALL the best and GOOD LUCK with the challenges ahead ~~~ Sesta Peekstok